Invisalign® Teen

  • What's up?

    No more clunky tired old metal braces to straighten your teeth! Invisalign Teen™ lets you do it in a new, modern, clean way. We use some of the most innovative technology along with series of custom shaped aligners fit to your teeth.

    The average treatment lasts roughly a year, plus you can start treatment even before you have all of your permanent teeth. Invisalign Teen™ is formulated to help meet teens specific needs.

  • The aligners

    Invisalign Teen™ practically invisible aligners snap to your teeth and fit comfortably. These clear aligners gently move with your teeth in small increments and even allow for your growing permanent teeth.

    Depending on your treatment plan, you will typically swap aligners every two weeks. Our aligners even come with Blue Dot Wear Indicator, designed to show an estimated wear-time. The dot fades as you progress to show proper treatment and results.

    Invisalign Teen™ aligners can be removed while you eat, brush your teeth, floss and for special events. Even better, the aligners are completely replaceable if lost, up to six free indvidual aligners!

  • The right fit for your life!

    Invisalign Teen™ is designed to fit your lifestyle. During your treatment you can keep doing everything that you love to do including playing sports, eating what you want, brushing and flossing, and showing that healthy smile! Unlike traditional braces, the aligners are clear and not made of unappealing metal.

  • The Benefits!

    Healthy teeth not only look great but a healthy smile can do so much more for you! Here are some of the benefits of an Invisalign Teen™ smile:

    Self Confidence

    After your Invisalign Teen treatment, you may find your self-confidence boosted by your new smile and the change in your appearance. Some people even feel that way during treatment. As you know, smiling has many benefits. It can help you make a strong impression in lots of different social situations - at school, at work, or at a party.

    Easier Brushing and Flossing

    The best part of Invisalign®? No metal braces, bands brackets or wires which normally trap food and plaque. Your clear aligners are fully removable during brushing and eating, no more worrying about getting food caught in your smile! Dental cleanings will also be a whole lot easier and faster then with metal braces and of course, when your treatment is done you'll have a healthy straight smile.

    Healthier Gums

    When your teeth are crowded or too widely spaced, you can get sollen gums and redness. These symptoms can attribute to you smiling less which hurts your impression. Clinical studies show that straight, healthy teeth lead to healthier gums that fit around the teeth.

    Less Stress on Joints

    Misaligned teeth can cause painful stress on supporting bone and jaw points, as well as cause abmornal wear on your teeth. All of these can lead to terrbile problems! Invisalign® can help reduce and even solve problems by aligning your teeth.

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